Wednesday, July 28, 2010

TO do List (freewrite)

Start everything with God in mind,
be open about the horrible if existent
nature of your Arabic.

Do not be ashamed of how you carry your religion
its compass, guiding light you follow when you so choose
relinquish the idea of it shinning a single hue

Level your head
try to wear that rolling scab with pride
Remember the times when your hijab
made you feel beautiful but never be afraid to expose your wounds
bear no fear of exposure physical or otherwise

Lose yourself when your write
find a forgetfulness for not being good enough
You are larger than your fears wont let you be

Run away from complacency
even when it looks like God standing still,
Know that God never stands still unless you are running at a divine speed
Check your feet, their harshness, how quickly they are moving
Kick the stagnancy when it comes
Catch up to yourself

Ponder the making of your first love into your last
not for admonishing, just for pondering
On nights when your chest is cold with wondering if you lived too quickly
warm it with the kinetic heat of a clock moving
Feel its abundance, flow in it
there is so much, too much to exist
Forget finite, know it never
Live now

Let yourself wonder why this poem is filled with “Don’ts”

Don’t stop being hard on yourself out of guilt
knead yourself against the scabs on your heart
rub your chest often, especially when your insides hurt
make it prolific

Keep writing poems to your broken body
there are no doctors, no cure that can heal
your inherited illness like these poems
The unveiling of sickled cells
do not make you less strong

Cherish your withering hands for what they are
do not regret how dark your palm
its lines, the depth of the bark, the tell tale rings
Stop trying to hide that you’ve been here before

Kiss boys,…Kiss girls
Kiss first,
and only places screaming of beauty
Look for nothing in return
Be thankful that you will let none of this make you ugly
Forgive yourself for not letting them kiss you
For surrenders reserved for the love you won't let go
Do not let go if you do not want to
Know that its okay if you do decide to

Let yourself build a shrine to your tears
reread the poems he wrote
they are a portal into eternity
Be okay with not wanting to leave it at just that

Reminisce on when you got the wanting washed out of you
how ugly you looked clean
Bask in the residue the stains
the foreshadow in smiling at being called “filthy”
by an Abyssinian son with Seattle tongue

Burn hot inside for him whenever you want to
Fuck outsiders' feelings procreate with patience

Carry the novelty of that love obnoxiously as you want to
other claims will only be as threatening as you allow them to
Listen to those declarations with open ears and a sure heart

Use your heart
as a key
the places you belong will never
accuse you of breaking and entry

If and when you decide to kiss girls
Do not check boxes
But do not not check boxes because you are afraid to

Believe in Hasani
(the hypothetical human being)
love yourself for giving him a name
and appreciate that God gave him a face
Find a way to settle with the idea that he may have many
That “he” may be a “she” or that he
may make his way into your mirror one day

No one is more worthy of your love than you

Make love to your insecurities
be open about the dance you two do

How you are thinking to yourself
you must make this poem pretty,
adequate, less longwinded
Forgetting that you are a stretched breeze
that you encompass everything

Focus, and re-read
every word before these
they prove
Here there is much love
and many vital things to do

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