Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 4

Safiyah Abisola Suara

My four year old Nigerian cousin
from Tennessee
a trouble maker of a willbe woman

I make a point to let her know
how beautifully Black she is
"I love
I love
Your chocolate face
I love
Your chocolate
Your skin is sweet
Like you,
most of the time,
on good days....
when you aren't being bad"

She repeats the good parts
back to me
She is in her sponge faze
I am in my redemption one

Praying that
I can do anything
to prevent her from enduring
the same pain as the
notlightenough Blackgirl
that is still throwing shadows
on my skin has

She is only four
her mother has already taught her
that there's a difference
between colors and people
She has been taught that
to do anything attaching
them to each other
is the equivalent of a curse

Safiyah lives in Tennessee
Tennessee of hiatus and brooding beauty
a place I have gone for peace
a place that has taught me on rides
cutting through Mississippi
What it means to be Bl---
to be African American in this country
Or even to be an
African American
visiting Safiyah
playing in a baseball park with my brother
The first time either of us
have ever heard
any form of the word
at us
in the curve ball way
of derogatory meaning

One day
she will have to learn
what it means to be
a no longer
"Black" woman
in America,

which I must be,

the title she attaches to me
she says
because of the size of my breasts
and the role
of a nuturer
she gives to me
when she is visiting
late nights
and cant sleep
or on long rides
my cities
when thats all she can do

She will learn
in ways that I can't teach her
When she grows up like me
and begins to drive
she will realize
The difference between
African American and Black
What it might mean to be either in Tennessee

Or even worse,
beyond its borders
and rigid boundries
Tennessee encompasses
alot more of the world
than we would want or
to think

1 comment:

  1. i dont know how you found me, or how i found you. but i love you and reading you has settled something good in my stomach.
