Wednesday, November 17, 2010
They say they can tell when a woman has lost her god
that our tongues become heaving and burdened
when our heads become light and bare
There are promises on this campus
packed and folded away into drawers
where they can drape over the good chance
that we've been lied to
Biases we hold hidden in class rooms
where subordinate and subjugated are used for us
are used because
ones like patriarchy hit too close to home
for these people
A faith based anachronism,
a time capsule of traditionalism preserving a past
no one is ever too sure about
an exhibit, praying in a museum
with all the other art pieces
there are drapes for the statues with eyes
for the pictures with eyes
for us women from eyes
Bodies pasted in lines
shillouttes of impressionist vision
pointillism women turned into rounds of color and fabric
into blank spots in a bigger picture again
molded into the quiet in solidarity with the nostalgia
still present in the way we worship
it is only for a day,
maybe for an hour
Even lost and godless
you'll see our tongues tuck in
so our promises can unfurl again
every Al-Adha
every festival of sacrifice
Every sacrifice for a religion
In pilgrimage honoring pilgrimage
those still searching
that have crossed sands,
climbed pillars of silk and salt
those that have thrown stones,
that are always throwing stones
All those towards Mecca,
at the end of their hajj
with their God and religion
like us,
in circles
Monday, November 8, 2010
Children of Men (freewrite, rough draft)
Each documented in hopes they will lean
more towards blasphemy someday.
I do not want this for my honest.
Do not want pain for my truth
In 20 years the brunt of a world collapsing
upon itself has folded me paper crane.
And like them, it is easy to forget how quickly
the drowning seeps through.
I am not a genuine creature of flight,
but this is not fake water
In 20 years I have learned to love things
that don't stay long enough to watch me crumble
In 20 years I have learned to make my skin a pamphlet of pleas
from a woman striving to change somebody's mind.
And like so many love letters
I am found wandering through my travels
hoping to catch my lovers ear
lost in a shuffle of demands
on some strange terrain
with no return address
and a stamp reading
"return to sender"
He does not cry over women
did not know that
the nights he spent on the floors of our markets,
in the cracks of our country of our land baked him dry.
I ,9years old
a laundry list of prayers and despites,
a young girl creating all she will be
by what she will not, and all she will not
by what she has seen.
I found my purpose in what he was not
It was a pain to watch my father cry
letting out what little water was left.
Paving his drought and dusty dams
into a circling road,
one that would take him nowhere
far from where he is now.
This water, lost when his mother left
when life betrayed him
this water
nowhere to be found at the tragedy
of more loss. The deaths of his children
No where to be found, not like this
Not like my father
in the front seat of a taxi cab
he never pays dues on
in a suit bought
with the good conscience
that his children may be hungry and in want,
maybe market floored
houseless sun-baked-dry one day
all the water drained out of them
My father crying over a woman he beats
has cut,has lacerated troughs into her desert
Showing me the little water he has left,
has irrigated from her
offering a sacrifice
in a moment that wont leave me in 10 years
The moment Mohammad Yussuff
showed some sign in the dry soul of his skin,
that he might still be able to grow.
He was floods of everyman he was named after
Someone says the water will drown him one day,
it does. I do not know men that cry like him
but there was a boy
who learned the river and ocean of his mother
and sisters,
who swallowed their
moon to drown the ditch dug crevices,
make them bear water again, and maybe even fruit.
Mohammad, our father's namesake,
my cactus in a field of mirages and thirst
should you have learned to grow throns
as they asked of you
I would have nothing left.
You had no thorns to protect you
and so I have nothing left.
But the faint and fading memories of the only man
that loved me the right way.
My brother,
who sacrificed his life in hopes
that another young man
may hold on long enough
to tell the story
A boy ,who let a another he barely knew
cross a road, a dry path,
with destination in front of him
showed him to quench,
Was struck by a force much larger than him
heaved so high all this liquid
rained back into the heavens
left us wanting
You are my last,
my lasts always are
they cannot keep you here,
tell me
your water still seeps through
your skin like mine
Have you heard me, my droughts
that I am unquenched
Tell me your water still seeps through your skin like mine
That you are still a conservatory
mornings of trickles, hurricanes
the sounds that give me hope
shouting through flesh worn doors
make me happy i never listened to anything else
That I do not read the signs meant to keep people out
Tell me that I am not another catastrophe
of women
and beaten
drowned, stretched, and beaten
and left wrinkling.
You've said before
you will not cry over a woman again.
that your water will find itself nowhere here
made blasphemy of hope for this land,
these cravings and prayers left deep
landing hard on my pathways
after promising to make blasphemy of my doubts.
You must not know
what happens to men
that take the water out of women
Let them make their wet offerings
to find their shrines left with little or nothing in return.
Meet my father.
ask him how I got this way.
Tell him of the woman I've become
with roots drowning
crumbling chewed paper-wet
Branches cracking
Always trying to be a symbol of growth
in a land that says
It wants none.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Freewrite? No idea. 5 Things I've Learned From Being in Love
1. How to calculate a 3 hour time difference without thinking, despite sucking at math.
1.5 The words “acquiescence” “coalesce” “intentionality” and “moribund”
2. FB ruins lives
2.5. If you both like ass, and you both stare, its fun…not awkward.
3. Skype cuts off after an undisclosed amount of time,
so when taking virtual naps, Ichat (which doesn’t cut off) should have been used instead
3.5 It is totally worth it to stay awake on the phone until 5 am despite having a class at 8:45
4. Long emails and longer phone calls can be HUGE band aids,
4.5 sometimes the blood still seeps through
Long emails
and missed phone calls
are enough
To make you stop believing in magic
(….even if only for a little bit.)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Hometown is Homesick (prompt from Rose)
place is space paused in moment,
moment is emotion rubbed into memory
Home for me feels like a fleeting moment
And lost memory
In a space I am not sure can exist anymore
My homesickness is hometown
I am permanently displaced
always half departing venue of
supposedly human
and supposedly woman
I am not sure why I was brought here
My spirit still has charred pieces from the transition
My body beaks down often from the traveling, the moving
The manifestation of my awkward keeps moving to pretend there is somewhere to go
as if I have not been lost since offset,
since origin
a place a year too far away for me to draw memories into it's distance
I cannot remember who me is
And so, have no whereabouts as to who or where she was
I have lost notions of the place that taught me loss, it is where i keep my dead history, the death in my history
As if, unlike me, it will stay there
Is forgotten self made and divinely declared home
Loves me like a betraying grandmother
Or some other mystic kin
Maybe a swinger aunt
A husband with amnesia,
I am told that we have history
But I don't remember what it was like to love you
I see the photographs and poems that prove we have been places together
But can't remember those feelings
I cant help but feel like I am living in someone elses house
Me a child of missing centuries before the wombing
We still hold on to the few things that time and space and men with prophetic names like "Lord" divied us
It must not miss me like it did before it unlearned how to
And is the murderous mountain from which my rolling avalanche of travel fell
All of these are places that have changed despite me
Have become dismissive emotionally disrespectful memories lost to big pockets dug deep enough to fit big buildings and needed bodies
If I had learned nothing of home
in people, in memories and emotion
I would not know anything of loss
I am from every city that asks to be missed for the sake of evidence that someone knew it once
The nostalgia floating to the top of any land with the top layer of it's skin burning it unrecognizable
Is the stomach churning, the gut wrenching place, moment of degorge in yet to be tacit diasporing,
The homesick I call hometown
One day I will laugh at the audacity of thinking I could be from "somewhere"
Sending down a thunderstorm from heaven, in earth they will call it an earthquake, or hurricane,
A natural disaster,
This world is not my home.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
10 Questions for a Stranger (Prompt from Jamaica)
10 Questions the Angels Will Ask You
1.When you were younger
did you think you could fly?
Can you?
2.When was your birth,
or creation,
the one that required you die first.
How many times did it happen,
can, will it happen again?
Will you spoke plug yourself
into the churning of a failing world
knowing there will be spinning,
For no good reason, maybe.
3.Where is your Grandmother,
granddaughter, at this exact moment,
in your body.
Could I speak with her?
What will she say about you?
What kinds of things will be said about you by legacy?
4.When was the last time you had an untellable feeling,
an emotion with no name?
What color was it,
are you, when you are lonely?
Do you crowd your pain before or after?
Are you a welcoming surrender
or a warring wait?
Would you mind if someone sat with you,
And asked the place you were
the first time something hurt you?
If the walls shook, the shelves too
and if anything fell on you.
5.Have you ever longed to tell a stranger
you love them? In an elevator maybe?
Have you ever found intimate
the closing space between you.
Wanted to cut the throat of the distance in you.
Chip your doubt over it, strum it like a harp.
Turn it breathing hole, and mouth it flute.
Air waiting to be cradled in your healing,
your hospital bed tongue
and its unfurling pink sheets.
6.If you are old and African
Or any other skin sheathing
of lost Gods and vacant history
Do you smile, cry ever?
Are you afraid to, or simply above such human faulting?
7.What do you think of skin?
Our see through bones, and creaking entries.
Our spoiling frames and overused doorways.
What of when it has a tint?
8.What exactly is love to you?
Is it morphine shot and opiate at all?
Can the spell be found foul needle
in your hands.
Who taught it to you?
Do you know someone taught it to you,
And them to?
Have you relearned it,
taken out the excess liquid and discoloring,
made it less dead.
Or is a laziness disheartening you.
9. Of that cocooning coffin body
will you show the loss?
What catastrophe has stolen,
the discarded arteries covered in tattering wishes.
Will you reveal the parts that have been hidden out of fear
So no pieces will be missing
when it is time for us to bury you.
The not so “extra” questions that were almost lost
9. Do you believe in fate?
Because you are assured this world
is set in something good for you?
Or because you are sitting, waiting
for life to happen to you?
9. Are you religious?
Do you spend more time praying in temples
or building them?
9. Are you starving, how hungry are you?
are your intestines coiling like a snake
Is there ever venom in your action, Lucifer in your want?
Do you think we fell out of heaven
or that we were banished?
What would you do to feel like something God made again?
10. Are you one of us,
Are you sure?
Are you sure,
You can’t fly?
Sunday, August 8, 2010
It is a room full of crowded diaspora
with the American anthem playing,
like no one knows the words
It is the Yoruba anthem I first heard when I was EIGHT
still making me cry
It is his daughter
a man who is 60
his daughter,
13 stubborn and unfriendly
adjusting his shirt
without saying a word
like she is his father
This doesn't skim...
Im going to sit down with my muses and live through it and then let it happen to me instead of try to make it happen through me.
I love you.
For Sadia, who held me in a green field, sang ‘Yellow’ and cried with me
I have always wanted to cry as pretty as you do.
Shed water and light at the same time
Pour and glow transpire a rainbow,
Through plains of dark and shaken nowhere
Every color stolen from us
And hidden in some wrong cavity
Do you see sun in me?
Are you forgetting about the water?
that you are spilling brim and dam split
That your head is pouring somewhere near your eyes
Find the narcissus in you,
See for once
That you are simmering rays and golden
See the gold in you
Watch what you’ve guarded so dearly
Admire all of it
Guard but don’t hide it
Though I am ether tarnished treasure or blackened foil
and you love me
Do not let anyone
Rot iron
or lime you
You are a perched sun nights
When I do not want moon hole and sinking feet
Thank you
for blocking out evening
and skipping morning
for being zenith and high noon
Mercy filled baptism
You are no fountain,
Not recycled water
You are falls and pottery wheel
clay and sand hands
pedaling feet
Held me yearned creation though I made your work muddy
how are you still not water logged hearth
Who made you
All heat no burn
All liquid no drowning
This world
Eggshell promises
Unimagined heavens
I don’t know how is it I have still found one in you.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
What God Looks Like to Me
Nevertheless, this resulted in,in my head, my love challenging me. Asking, as if in response to reading a piece I have written, since i mention "god" so much in my poetry...what is it that god looks like to me.
My response was the following...
A fiery night turned scorched evening in Brooklyn
A homeless person stands over
a hallowed turbine canister for heat
A man, wall street all three piece suits
And shoe sole covered
with other peoples dreams
walks over freezing
The homeless man shifts over
Never even looking up
They stand over the fire
Both shivering
Neither of them saying a thing
That is what God looks like to me
Friday, August 6, 2010
10 Things That Remind Me of A Thunderstorm (freewrite)
10 things that remind me of a thunderstorm
Ancestors falling
from their avalanche of wander woes
gripping to the roof of her mouth for heaven
My mother's voice
the lioness she taught me to fear
Mane slipped into its aftermath,
the depth of her transmutable story
causing unknowing listeners to call her
"MR" Yussuf
like they know how shes been my father
Our lips meeting for the 1st time
the passion that made everything messy
Have you ever clutched a storm in your arms before?
Tamed it?
Are you sure
An unnumbered summer
Where some girls began shedding their skin together,
learned to stop being ashamed
of how they had shared it together.
No one told you you looked this good naked
A bag of Italian leather shoes and suits
that always seemed better buys than
formula, or juice, or school fees
or marriage counseling.
My older sister at 15
rolling his belongings down the stairs
right after calling the police
the night when it began to become clear
that little girls do not grow into 18 year olds
that hate men for no reason.
That there had been clouds beneath her eyes breaking
not high enough to forget what happened
That the fogs and opaque bottles full
of blackouts and drowning
the nights when alcohol found prescriptions
readable, understanding,...friendly
Had all
never been for no reason
The day they realize
they did not welcome a daughter back properly
When a whole country
will rise above itself
into the frame of what
its dislocated daughter
has always viewed it to be...
My the cheering
Dec 2009
A doctor saying something
about a lung collapsing
A prayer in a hospital bed
that means nothing
In a room she is sharing with a woman who is 90
A 19 yo realizing, again, she is dying
A quiet night in Chicago
at the most recent BNV
When something is happening
that shouldn't be
Pathetic attempts to regain agency
Have you no idea what type of woman
you want to be anymore?
Are you looking for her
by finding
everything you don't want to be
"that night" "that summer"
I had a vision of my deceased sister walking towards me
the sound of breaking to begin again
pretending you've lived already
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
TO do List (freewrite)
Start everything with God in mind,
be open about the horrible if existent
nature of your Arabic.
Do not be ashamed of how you carry your religion
its compass, guiding light you follow when you so choose
relinquish the idea of it shinning a single hue
Level your head
try to wear that rolling scab with pride
Remember the times when your hijab
made you feel beautiful but never be afraid to expose your wounds
bear no fear of exposure physical or otherwise
Lose yourself when your write
find a forgetfulness for not being good enough
You are larger than your fears wont let you be
Run away from complacency
even when it looks like God standing still,
Know that God never stands still unless you are running at a divine speed
Check your feet, their harshness, how quickly they are moving
Kick the stagnancy when it comes
Catch up to yourself
Ponder the making of your first love into your last
not for admonishing, just for pondering
On nights when your chest is cold with wondering if you lived too quickly
warm it with the kinetic heat of a clock moving
Feel its abundance, flow in it
there is so much, too much to exist
Forget finite, know it never
Live now
Let yourself wonder why this poem is filled with “Don’ts”
Don’t stop being hard on yourself out of guilt
knead yourself against the scabs on your heart
rub your chest often, especially when your insides hurt
make it prolific
Keep writing poems to your broken body
there are no doctors, no cure that can heal
your inherited illness like these poems
The unveiling of sickled cells
do not make you less strong
Cherish your withering hands for what they are
do not regret how dark your palm
its lines, the depth of the bark, the tell tale rings
Stop trying to hide that you’ve been here before
Kiss boys,…Kiss girls
Kiss first,
and only places screaming of beauty
Look for nothing in return
Be thankful that you will let none of this make you ugly
Forgive yourself for not letting them kiss you
For surrenders reserved for the love you won't let go
Do not let go if you do not want to
Know that its okay if you do decide to
Let yourself build a shrine to your tears
reread the poems he wrote
they are a portal into eternity
Be okay with not wanting to leave it at just that
Reminisce on when you got the wanting washed out of you
how ugly you looked clean
Bask in the residue the stains
the foreshadow in smiling at being called “filthy”
by an Abyssinian son with Seattle tongue
Burn hot inside for him whenever you want to
Fuck outsiders' feelings procreate with patience
Carry the novelty of that love obnoxiously as you want to
other claims will only be as threatening as you allow them to
Listen to those declarations with open ears and a sure heart
Use your heart
as a key
the places you belong will never
accuse you of breaking and entry
If and when you decide to kiss girls
Do not check boxes
But do not not check boxes because you are afraid to
Believe in Hasani
(the hypothetical human being)
love yourself for giving him a name
and appreciate that God gave him a face
Find a way to settle with the idea that he may have many
That “he” may be a “she” or that he
may make his way into your mirror one day
No one is more worthy of your love than you
Make love to your insecurities
be open about the dance you two do
How you are thinking to yourself
you must make this poem pretty,
adequate, less longwinded
Forgetting that you are a stretched breeze
that you encompass everything
Focus, and re-read
every word before these
they prove
Here there is much love
and many vital things to do
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Egbe Omo Yoruba National Conference
August 5-8
SHITTIN on deez hoes....
I'm so excited.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The poem that resulted in my drive from Hartford to Hanover last week.
Yet another ride
down a snoring road
crossing New England
In the passengers seat
a bellowing history book of sins
and strict rules bound by strength
is beautiful
It is uncommon for you to be this quiet on a ride
but you still say all that you would want to
the percussion of each breath
a matter of fact sound repeatedly punctuated
by a schizophrenic back and forth paranoid battle,
What is described as “a snorting breath during sleep”
Apparently it is impossible to dream whilst snoring
I imagine, dear mother, that you have long been afraid to
that your nightmares look too much like your memories.
It is still unclear how a woman who has seen so much battle
always manages to come out on top.
Warrior woman you raised an Athena like yourself
and most of the honesty between us
emerges out of feeling combatively corned.
when I feel trapped.
which now is left for days like these
when there is no escaping a battlefield with wheels
and a mother with too many lectures
but not enough good questions.
We have not called the same place home in a year
Our storage is full of burnt out thunderbolts and crushed armor,
our phone conversations the biting taste of iron.
I am told too often about my guard (purity), that my clothes are too tight,
that my shields are not high enough, that I know too many men I trust,
that I don’t know the right time to run away from a fight
We have not learned the same things from war.
Last week you asked me to pray for your friends’ brother
A man in Florida who accidently killed his wife,
in an infidelity fueled rage,
…with a baseball bat.
I can say…like I did last week
that despite all the love in me
I have not learned how to pray for men like that.
I hear you speaking on the phone
relaying the story
trying to defend a party
Using the phrase:
oloriburiuku obirin
‘horrible woman’
Forgetting that violence is only ever justified
in the minds of those who commit it.
Forgetting the conversations knives and fists
have had with your throat and body
I wish you did not hold that bat with him today
I wish that you would not let the blood and hair
claim your hands and hijab
Somehow you do not see the connection in the faults
of this conversation and the one you have with me
in which you claim that a woman’s body is so holy
men can only read sin into it.
I still do not know how to be trapped into that lack of connections.
I have never felt good hiding behind those cloaks
I will never look good in the lessons learned from your mistakes
In that veiling, and its patriarchal God
Who only re-disguises himself
As everyone else’s God
And still finds ways to stand in the mirror cursing
And still trying to catch all my holy with the fire from either side
It should be easier to simply choose one of them
what with my cover too lacking to make me a ‘good Muslim girl’
and juxtaposed modesty too abundant for my sexuality to not be questioned
Choosing would surely be easier than this
But I will not feed from flawed leftovers
Dear mother,
I cannot worship at a temple of backwash
I am stuck in the car with you
All the things that cannot be said over dinner,
or a two day visit
being forced back into my throat by my own hands
I wish I could tell you,
as I have learned,
That the world is not all battles
and how to choose the right ones
That you cannot wear your armor all the time
that even if you end up being partially exposed
you can pray for blooms to sprout from the bruises
and be thankful for your thick skin
I wish
I could tell you about all the handprints
and dented breastplates
How I have found away for them to teach me
But today
You are fighting, again,
in a world that you think of
as the highest level of hell,
The world I know
as simply the lowest level of heaven
we have not called the same place home in at least a year
I imagine my words would not translate well as they descend
That they may fall
on deaf ears
and hardened hands
I do in fact know retreat
Taking all of me that is
what the woman you would like to be hopes to be
I will go into hiding (yet again)
The monotonous humming of this road
you will not hear me snoring
Will never know I’ve gone to sleep
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, Tom Stoppard
via (wolffofthesea)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
— Saul Williams (Said the Shotgun to the Head)
(via James Sprang)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
- Khalil Gibran
via. Omar Offendum
Who I was stalking...
because he is worthy of stalking.

he is DUMB sexy.
aiite I said it.
My love Sadia put me on.
His work is matches up to his face.
He also qualifies as IslamaBAYADNESS.
I have decided.
Apparently he frequents the District(as well as the multiple other places I sporadically do such as Philly and New York)
...welp, I'm not going to SAY anything but.. umm...yea. An encounter needs to happen soon is all.
And ...again.
shet shet shet triple shet..
I should not be watching this.
hormonal angst.
Or is that more than you neededto know?
its not my fault he is so damn pretty.
Actually enough of this, let me go find the artist circles around here he frequents lmao
let the work (or rather procrastination from my own) begin
*Tomfoolery is Ade and Murktarat creating Muslimly contradictions
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The Universe is speaking to me
and my do I love the things I am hearing.
Ears Open.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Domestic Nomad
I give a big wtf in reflection right now..
I have been home, what i call home.. the only place in this country i call home (DC)
For Two weeks
... mind you.. I do not have a house there...
and in those two weeks
I have spent not one weekend in DC
I am in Philly right now..
for the second time in Two weeks
(more out of necessity than choice)
By the end of the week (according to plans)
I will have visted
DC (going back 'home' in an hour or so)
New York.. to get to New haven so i can get to...
Hartford CT (where my mom lives)[from which i will go to]
Hanover NH to take care of school shit (and drama etc)
New York again for poetry regionals on Sunday... [and maybe a fashion show and play or two.. on Saturday]
all in one week...
Avoid Tough Questions
day 7-10 is all the same person.. Damn, Okay.
Day 11.
uhh. its not complete..its not going to be.. this is what happened when i wrote..interestingly.. raw writing even when its horrible process and stress and this is what happens to many of us somedays.. so fuck it.
It is an anxious afternoon
in the city of brothers we love
I try to pay attention to only the good things
as I miss a bus back home to DC
If the "left us's"
if the dearly departed
are as omnipresent as we say
You already know these things
That our mother is more of a mess now
but that (fortunately, for the present) it has been worse
That I watched a set of twins walk by as I chewed up time
and wondered what it would have been like
to be born with a mirror
That sometimes it would almost be good to forget that i have a sister
along with the lessons it has taught me
I got a means of reflection,
when I was 14 I knew what i would look like at 18
you showed me all the good I would do
and all too often the mistakes I could not handle
1. No matter how many times you are hurt do not become bitter
...on the outside, we both know it makes us feel ugly and that our means for beauty are limited
2.Do Not love men who do not matter
Staying true to this creed is making a harder sound as life breaks me piecemeal, it has only meant that along with him I have let go of something vital
3.Do not lie
It is perfectly clear to me at this point in writing that I am bullshitting so I will not finish this piece, I don't know if anyone is worth of hearing what I actually have to say to my sister it is certainly not worth fucking up in the frame of this or sacrificing or using as a writing warm up so fuck this
Now that I know this morning what bullshitting in my writing feels like (or am rather reminded) I can get to my shit and start my poetic day on my bus back to DC, word.Guhhh.. that was interesting?? see.. Wtf.. yea, whatever.. processing..damn rereading it.. guess who's bitter.. shet
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Day 6- A Stranger
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
findlings and tings, random old files.
broken women make bad decisions and
bad decisions break broken women
so broken women keep breaking broken things
Patriarchy seems to be where are the issues in my problems are leveled.
men, God, Love. (Since God is supposedly male , everytime I am talking bout God is interchangeable with a man/men in my life and vice versa)
freewrite from todays training sess
About the Men
They told me that you would make trgedies out of all my hope and rigid perseverance
I do not listen. They told me you were male. I saw me in you. I will always be confused about where I fit on the gender spectrum
Age 12- between now and the last time
You have exposed me to a lot of ugly.
Before I was six I knew about sex
and wont know why until im 15
in the newest old neighborhood
you lifted up my shirt
to expose what was under there
as if to say
I am in fact a woman
I saw you try to cut my mother’s throat
You are leaving now taking everything with you
except the disconcerting assurance that you will be back
Age 18- it was either all you
or you and him between us
but God,
if that’s what they still call you.
You sulked and soaked into the thing that is ‘us’
I wanted to trust you again.
I always get what I want
in the worst way
Age 20- stranded, I wonder if you listen anymore.
the questions I have for you all come out like curses
25- you are no where to be found
30- I start thinking about not looking anymore
35- every laugh is a sacrifice of my heart. I smile to not hurt anymore
it breaks me
40- I stop reading. I do not speak, do not cry. Forgot how to pray
45- my feet are pretty now
from all the walking I refuse to do
there’s a certain beauty that comes when all the hope is drained out of you
50- I wouldn’t recognize you if I saw you,
I am too pretty now
20- I’m still writing silly poems like somehow they can make this less true.
Dear God
Today I hate how ugly you made me.
In Response(s)
Dear God,
May I never fall in love again
I don't ever want to know how to stop waiting
Monday, June 14, 2010
So I talked madd shit.
Day 1- Bestfriend
You have my mothers sisters handsand chestand smileand loveyou shape shifter youcradle you rockyou have a million facessafia-the summer we met i watched you bloom beautifuli have never seen anyone work sohard to tearbroke your shellwomanheight like a sleeping giantlittle girl big voiceyou worked so hard to tearfor a girl who got all the'how to cry' washed out ofherthere is bleach in that waterclean slateyou make me feellike i can begin started with you.TaylorEvery broken steptowardswholeis anotherone towardsremembering youand howi was not who i am nowbefore made me knowwhat type of woman i could beand how much i would love herand howand howand wheni love you,my dear.adei brought youmy storiesmy burdensmy deathsa fan-dangled forest of regretand uglyyou made them beautifuli cried in on my selflet it steeppoured my delicate all back inwith my hard and sterni am beautifullike i was beforebut the reflection speaks easier about itthanks to you.miniliki dont remember men before youthey were all brothersand a father with no puberty in himi dont know how to love meni was never looking for a kingi found a prince trying to regain his crownwhen you take your thrownif i cannot sit next to youi will watch your palace from afarand smile.biancait was simple with usthere is somethingsimpleabout a beautiful girlwith a lot of heartand all of it seeping out of herwe were sisters before i met youmy laughter knows youlike my heart knows loveand painand when i found youa part of me came home againits that simplewith uspiperi am a whirling dervisha cracked out queen ofstreet soothsayer in your lifea crazy girlwith a loud mouthand a louderheartyou loved me anywayyou have held my tearsyou have held me closerthere is nothing i can saythat can articulatehow much i owe youa part of my meomieyou are a queen of queenessa floating smilea foolish beautya crying growthI find somethingso beautifulabout how trueyou are with your tearswith your honestywith your laughteryour hurtyour bullshittingyour bitchingyou are your everythingthere is nothing more beautifulabout being a beautiful youand making no apologies for itexcept when its necessaryyarminiaha beautfiul black manonce wrote about the dimple on the side of your facethere is an equator about youyou make things balancedi am smalled by youand always want to growbiggerto your heightsso i can reach up to your cheekand fall into the paradiseof the crater on your facethere is a home about youa stern mothera whole sistera beautiful frienda careless color and shadeabout how confusing it isto explain how hardi haveloved you