Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The poem that resulted in my drive from Hartford to Hanover last week.
Yet another ride
down a snoring road
crossing New England
In the passengers seat
a bellowing history book of sins
and strict rules bound by strength
is beautiful
It is uncommon for you to be this quiet on a ride
but you still say all that you would want to
the percussion of each breath
a matter of fact sound repeatedly punctuated
by a schizophrenic back and forth paranoid battle,
What is described as “a snorting breath during sleep”
Apparently it is impossible to dream whilst snoring
I imagine, dear mother, that you have long been afraid to
that your nightmares look too much like your memories.
It is still unclear how a woman who has seen so much battle
always manages to come out on top.
Warrior woman you raised an Athena like yourself
and most of the honesty between us
emerges out of feeling combatively corned.
when I feel trapped.
which now is left for days like these
when there is no escaping a battlefield with wheels
and a mother with too many lectures
but not enough good questions.
We have not called the same place home in a year
Our storage is full of burnt out thunderbolts and crushed armor,
our phone conversations the biting taste of iron.
I am told too often about my guard (purity), that my clothes are too tight,
that my shields are not high enough, that I know too many men I trust,
that I don’t know the right time to run away from a fight
We have not learned the same things from war.
Last week you asked me to pray for your friends’ brother
A man in Florida who accidently killed his wife,
in an infidelity fueled rage,
…with a baseball bat.
I can say…like I did last week
that despite all the love in me
I have not learned how to pray for men like that.
I hear you speaking on the phone
relaying the story
trying to defend a party
Using the phrase:
oloriburiuku obirin
‘horrible woman’
Forgetting that violence is only ever justified
in the minds of those who commit it.
Forgetting the conversations knives and fists
have had with your throat and body
I wish you did not hold that bat with him today
I wish that you would not let the blood and hair
claim your hands and hijab
Somehow you do not see the connection in the faults
of this conversation and the one you have with me
in which you claim that a woman’s body is so holy
men can only read sin into it.
I still do not know how to be trapped into that lack of connections.
I have never felt good hiding behind those cloaks
I will never look good in the lessons learned from your mistakes
In that veiling, and its patriarchal God
Who only re-disguises himself
As everyone else’s God
And still finds ways to stand in the mirror cursing
And still trying to catch all my holy with the fire from either side
It should be easier to simply choose one of them
what with my cover too lacking to make me a ‘good Muslim girl’
and juxtaposed modesty too abundant for my sexuality to not be questioned
Choosing would surely be easier than this
But I will not feed from flawed leftovers
Dear mother,
I cannot worship at a temple of backwash
I am stuck in the car with you
All the things that cannot be said over dinner,
or a two day visit
being forced back into my throat by my own hands
I wish I could tell you,
as I have learned,
That the world is not all battles
and how to choose the right ones
That you cannot wear your armor all the time
that even if you end up being partially exposed
you can pray for blooms to sprout from the bruises
and be thankful for your thick skin
I wish
I could tell you about all the handprints
and dented breastplates
How I have found away for them to teach me
But today
You are fighting, again,
in a world that you think of
as the highest level of hell,
The world I know
as simply the lowest level of heaven
we have not called the same place home in at least a year
I imagine my words would not translate well as they descend
That they may fall
on deaf ears
and hardened hands
I do in fact know retreat
Taking all of me that is
what the woman you would like to be hopes to be
I will go into hiding (yet again)
The monotonous humming of this road
you will not hear me snoring
Will never know I’ve gone to sleep
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, Tom Stoppard
via (wolffofthesea)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
— Saul Williams (Said the Shotgun to the Head)
(via James Sprang)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
- Khalil Gibran
via. Omar Offendum
Who I was stalking...
because he is worthy of stalking.

he is DUMB sexy.
aiite I said it.
My love Sadia put me on.
His work is matches up to his face.
He also qualifies as IslamaBAYADNESS.
I have decided.
Apparently he frequents the District(as well as the multiple other places I sporadically do such as Philly and New York)
...welp, I'm not going to SAY anything but.. umm...yea. An encounter needs to happen soon is all.
And ...again.
shet shet shet triple shet..
I should not be watching this.
hormonal angst.
Or is that more than you neededto know?
its not my fault he is so damn pretty.
Actually enough of this, let me go find the artist circles around here he frequents lmao
let the work (or rather procrastination from my own) begin
*Tomfoolery is Ade and Murktarat creating Muslimly contradictions
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The Universe is speaking to me
and my do I love the things I am hearing.
Ears Open.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Domestic Nomad
I give a big wtf in reflection right now..
I have been home, what i call home.. the only place in this country i call home (DC)
For Two weeks
... mind you.. I do not have a house there...
and in those two weeks
I have spent not one weekend in DC
I am in Philly right now..
for the second time in Two weeks
(more out of necessity than choice)
By the end of the week (according to plans)
I will have visted
DC (going back 'home' in an hour or so)
New York.. to get to New haven so i can get to...
Hartford CT (where my mom lives)[from which i will go to]
Hanover NH to take care of school shit (and drama etc)
New York again for poetry regionals on Sunday... [and maybe a fashion show and play or two.. on Saturday]
all in one week...
Avoid Tough Questions
day 7-10 is all the same person.. Damn, Okay.
Day 11.
uhh. its not complete..its not going to be.. this is what happened when i wrote..interestingly.. raw writing even when its horrible process and stress and this is what happens to many of us somedays.. so fuck it.
It is an anxious afternoon
in the city of brothers we love
I try to pay attention to only the good things
as I miss a bus back home to DC
If the "left us's"
if the dearly departed
are as omnipresent as we say
You already know these things
That our mother is more of a mess now
but that (fortunately, for the present) it has been worse
That I watched a set of twins walk by as I chewed up time
and wondered what it would have been like
to be born with a mirror
That sometimes it would almost be good to forget that i have a sister
along with the lessons it has taught me
I got a means of reflection,
when I was 14 I knew what i would look like at 18
you showed me all the good I would do
and all too often the mistakes I could not handle
1. No matter how many times you are hurt do not become bitter
...on the outside, we both know it makes us feel ugly and that our means for beauty are limited
2.Do Not love men who do not matter
Staying true to this creed is making a harder sound as life breaks me piecemeal, it has only meant that along with him I have let go of something vital
3.Do not lie
It is perfectly clear to me at this point in writing that I am bullshitting so I will not finish this piece, I don't know if anyone is worth of hearing what I actually have to say to my sister it is certainly not worth fucking up in the frame of this or sacrificing or using as a writing warm up so fuck this
Now that I know this morning what bullshitting in my writing feels like (or am rather reminded) I can get to my shit and start my poetic day on my bus back to DC, word.Guhhh.. that was interesting?? see.. Wtf.. yea, whatever.. processing..damn rereading it.. guess who's bitter.. shet
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Day 6- A Stranger
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
findlings and tings, random old files.
broken women make bad decisions and
bad decisions break broken women
so broken women keep breaking broken things
Patriarchy seems to be where are the issues in my problems are leveled.
men, God, Love. (Since God is supposedly male , everytime I am talking bout God is interchangeable with a man/men in my life and vice versa)
freewrite from todays training sess
About the Men
They told me that you would make trgedies out of all my hope and rigid perseverance
I do not listen. They told me you were male. I saw me in you. I will always be confused about where I fit on the gender spectrum
Age 12- between now and the last time
You have exposed me to a lot of ugly.
Before I was six I knew about sex
and wont know why until im 15
in the newest old neighborhood
you lifted up my shirt
to expose what was under there
as if to say
I am in fact a woman
I saw you try to cut my mother’s throat
You are leaving now taking everything with you
except the disconcerting assurance that you will be back
Age 18- it was either all you
or you and him between us
but God,
if that’s what they still call you.
You sulked and soaked into the thing that is ‘us’
I wanted to trust you again.
I always get what I want
in the worst way
Age 20- stranded, I wonder if you listen anymore.
the questions I have for you all come out like curses
25- you are no where to be found
30- I start thinking about not looking anymore
35- every laugh is a sacrifice of my heart. I smile to not hurt anymore
it breaks me
40- I stop reading. I do not speak, do not cry. Forgot how to pray
45- my feet are pretty now
from all the walking I refuse to do
there’s a certain beauty that comes when all the hope is drained out of you
50- I wouldn’t recognize you if I saw you,
I am too pretty now
20- I’m still writing silly poems like somehow they can make this less true.
Dear God
Today I hate how ugly you made me.
In Response(s)
Dear God,
May I never fall in love again
I don't ever want to know how to stop waiting
Monday, June 14, 2010
So I talked madd shit.
Day 1- Bestfriend
You have my mothers sisters handsand chestand smileand loveyou shape shifter youcradle you rockyou have a million facessafia-the summer we met i watched you bloom beautifuli have never seen anyone work sohard to tearbroke your shellwomanheight like a sleeping giantlittle girl big voiceyou worked so hard to tearfor a girl who got all the'how to cry' washed out ofherthere is bleach in that waterclean slateyou make me feellike i can begin started with you.TaylorEvery broken steptowardswholeis anotherone towardsremembering youand howi was not who i am nowbefore made me knowwhat type of woman i could beand how much i would love herand howand howand wheni love you,my dear.adei brought youmy storiesmy burdensmy deathsa fan-dangled forest of regretand uglyyou made them beautifuli cried in on my selflet it steeppoured my delicate all back inwith my hard and sterni am beautifullike i was beforebut the reflection speaks easier about itthanks to you.miniliki dont remember men before youthey were all brothersand a father with no puberty in himi dont know how to love meni was never looking for a kingi found a prince trying to regain his crownwhen you take your thrownif i cannot sit next to youi will watch your palace from afarand smile.biancait was simple with usthere is somethingsimpleabout a beautiful girlwith a lot of heartand all of it seeping out of herwe were sisters before i met youmy laughter knows youlike my heart knows loveand painand when i found youa part of me came home againits that simplewith uspiperi am a whirling dervisha cracked out queen ofstreet soothsayer in your lifea crazy girlwith a loud mouthand a louderheartyou loved me anywayyou have held my tearsyou have held me closerthere is nothing i can saythat can articulatehow much i owe youa part of my meomieyou are a queen of queenessa floating smilea foolish beautya crying growthI find somethingso beautifulabout how trueyou are with your tearswith your honestywith your laughteryour hurtyour bullshittingyour bitchingyou are your everythingthere is nothing more beautifulabout being a beautiful youand making no apologies for itexcept when its necessaryyarminiaha beautfiul black manonce wrote about the dimple on the side of your facethere is an equator about youyou make things balancedi am smalled by youand always want to growbiggerto your heightsso i can reach up to your cheekand fall into the paradiseof the crater on your facethere is a home about youa stern mothera whole sistera beautiful frienda careless color and shadeabout how confusing it isto explain how hardi haveloved you
30 day.. letter...poem? challenge.
this was a post on tumblr:Inspired by the below post, this is the 30 day letter challenge. I won’t write consecutively and about half of these will be anonymous.
Watch this space.Day one - your best friend
Day two - your crush
Day three - your parents
Day four - your sibling
Day five - your dreams
Day six - a stranger
Day seven - your ex/love/crush
Day eight - your favorite internet friend
Day nine - someone you wish you could meet
Day ten - someone you dont talk to as much as you’d like
Day eleven - someone deceased you wish you could talk to
Day twelve - someone you hate/caused you alot of pain
Day thirteen - someone you wish would forgive you
Day fourteen - someone you drifted away from
Day fifteen - the person you miss the most
Day sixteen - someone thats not in your state/country
Day seventeen - someone from your childhood
Day eighteen - the person you wish you could be
Day nineteen - someone that pesters your mind, good or bad
Day twenty - the one that broke your heart the most
Day twentyone - someone you judged on first impression
Day twentytwo - someone you want to give a second chance to
Day twentythree - the last person you kissed
Day twentyfour - the person who gave you your favorite memory
Day twentyfive - the person you know going through the hardest time
Day twentysix - the last person you made a pinky promise to
Day twentyyseven - the friendliest person you knew for one day
Day twentyeight - someone that changed your life
Day twentynine - the person you want to tell everything to but are afraid to
Day thirty - your reflection in the mirro
i decided i wanted to try to see wat would happen with this as poemsi may not do all of emactually im sure i wontbut interesting prompts /reflectionsfor the day
Friday, June 11, 2010
Slim Thug Schooled By Prof. Marc Lamont of Columbia University.
people start getting their asses handed to them.
for saying ignorant shit.
In a recent interview, rapper Slim Thug unleashed a very disturbing attack on Black women, here's an excerpt:
...Most single Black women feel like they don’t want to settle for less. Their standards are too high right now. They have to understand that successful Black men are kind of extinct. We’re important. It’s hard to find us so Black women have to bow down and let it be known that they gotta start working hard; they gotta start cooking and being down for they man more. They can’t just be running around with their head up in the air and passing all of us.
I have a brother that dates a White woman and he always be fucking with me about it saying, 'Y’all gotta go through all that shit [but] my White woman is fine. She don’t give me no problems, she do whatever I say and y’all gotta do all that arguing and fighting and worry about all this other shit.'...
While many people dismissed it as a publicity stunt or the rant of an ignorant rapper, I felt compelled to respond to him in the form of an open letter.
A few days ago, you made comments in Vibe magazine that have caused a great deal of controversy. While I appreciate your willingness to offer your opinion in public, you made several statements that were not only unfair and untrue, but deeply damaging to our community. Normally, I would reach out to you privately, but since your comments were made in a very public place, I feel compelled to respond in the same manner.
As an artist who is respected by millions of fans, particularly young ones, I found your comments to be hurtful and irresponsible. For good or for bad, our children follow the lead of you and other artists for everything from fashion and slang to self-esteem, body image and relationships. Imagine how a young black girl feels to hear from you, her role model, that her “standards are too high” and that she should “bow down” and “settle for less.” Consider the pain that our beautiful brown skinned babies feel when Yung Berg says he doesn’t date “dark butts.” Think about the self-esteem of our community when Nelly refers to our mothers, sisters, and daughters as “Tip Drills.”
As celebrities, your public comments are not just your own. Instead they influence the choices, beliefs, and lives of an entire generation of young people who look to you for direction.
Of course, you have every right to say things that you think are true. The problem, however, is that there was very little truth in your comments.
In your interview, you talk about how much better white women treat their partners than black women. If what you’re saying is true, why do Whites have the highest divorce rate of any group? Do white men get tired of being treated like kings? In reality, it seems that you are buying into (and selling) a stale but dangerous ideal that constructs White women as ultra-feminine, loving, queens, and Black women as angry, selfish, and untrustworthy hoes.
Even more disturbing was your comment that “Black women gotta start being down for their man more.” Since slavery, Black women have had to withstand rape, torture, and humiliation (from both white and black men) in order to sustain their families. Now, in 2010, 1 in 3 Black men between 20 and 29 years old are incarcerated or otherwise under criminal supervision. Every day, Black women are raising children without men in the house, working multiple jobs (for less pay!), and supporting brothers as they finish their prison bids.
With Black male unemployment as high as 50 percent in some cities, sisters are often holding down households without child support or other financial assistance. Black female incarceration rates are skyrocketing, partly because Black women are “riding” for their men, hiding guns and drugs, operating as mules, and refusing to snitch to authorities. In addition, Black women are the group most likely to be victims of domestic violence and the least likely to be married. Still, in spite of all this bad news, Black women are less likely to date outside their race than Black men.
How much more “down” do you want Black women to be?
I agree with you that both brothers and sisters have work to do. Over the last year, we’ve seen countless TV shows, movies, and bestselling books telling Black women how broken they are, how ugly they are, why they don’t have a man, and how they need to behave. Instead of adding to this pile of pain and ignorance, I would encourage you to turn the mirror on yourself. How does the image of the pimp/player/baller/dopeboy promoted in your music help to create the “gold diggers” that you badmouth in your interviews? How might your own admitted failures at monogamy undermine the type of loyalty that you find missing in Black women? Criticizing the vulnerable is easy. Working on yourself is the difficult part.
I hope you don’t take this letter as an attack, but as an act of concern and love from one brother to another. Through your fame and wealth, you have tremendous power. You can use it to hurt or to heal, to injure or to inspire.
The world is watching. What will you do?
Your Brother,
Marc Lamont Hill
Mind you there are actually people trying to partially justify some of this as far as the void that exists between black women and men and love in the black community. I will say, any issues that are perpetuated on the side of black females are as a result of the faults and flaws of patriarchy&misogyny and false precepts of what masculinity is..period.
Rocky Rivera schools the homies on this in he tumblr about Kat spanks..
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Anniversary freewrite
I told myself that there would be no such writing because it smelled too much like it is anyway seeping out of me like drained hope. I had to write it down in two minutes and pretend to get it out.. for my so-called sanity
there is no ceremony
there are no candles
there is no talk of love today
the way there was a year a go
when I unfolded the love letters knotted up in my throat and
gave them to you in a sentence.
I wonder how it became this way
the turn table of my thought telling
a truth with no expected reciprocity
met their gilded joy at the dawn of a morning much like this
when I was scared and full of love for you
busying myself
there is no phone call today
and similarly enough
I am learning to cope somehow, again
with the idea of getting no reciprocity for my divulgences
oh faith,
oh risk,
oh gilded heart
I wonder where and in what I should place thee
I learned love a year ago
and now
I am trying to teach myself how to let it go
Sunday, June 6, 2010
On Black Masculinity...
Friday, June 4, 2010
Subsistence Struggles Continued