Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 20 and sum.odd

Pregnant- full of meaning significant or suggestive

You can give birth to an idea.

an inanimate object(ion)

bring it

full term and birth it.

This ideal

is of your neglect

and self pity

rumbles with

pensive mania

of destain

is the painstaking


of all that is broken

outside of your control

taking place inside of you


if you make the decision

to have a child now

he or she will be

the walking epitome

of abstractions you made them

long before

they had any choice

Pregnant- having a child developing in the womb

Stomach swollen for

more than a year now.

Way overdue

I have been expecting for so long.

it has been easy for me to forget,

I'm pregnant.

My stretch marks have grown




they do not know where to go anymore

and these birthing pain scars have

managed to become so common place

in the architecture of my skin

that it is hard to remember that they

Have not always been part of who I am,

Have not always been part of my story,

that they are only a part of my self

seemingly so candid and trite

that thee only thing to look forward to is

new ones

and when they will come

and how long they will be

and how much they will hurt

and whether

I will still be transfixed by them at the end of it all

If I will look at them after the pain

and thank them for bringing to fruition

the things that show

just how worth it they were

Full off these thoughts

my womb and my mind

have switched places

It aint over...

Til its over.