Sunday, January 31, 2010

I Know Angels,


October 24, 2009

In the back of heaven somewhere
beyond the leaky halo shower and
behind the creaky door
stage left.

God keeps the stories (s)he is most proud of

Under a stack of old angel wings
too powerful for flight that isn't gaudy,
There is a news paper article from the day you were born
And it reads:

In the beginning there was darkness
So people knew nothing of light
God set down a girl the size of a fallen star,
placed her in the belly of a woman
with the least reason to keep faith in anything

Tiptoeing around the back parts of heaven,
royalty refreshed,
trying to quench your thirst for antiquity..

Find it.

Make an obscene amount of copies.
Tape them to yourself
and run,
head first
off of the 7th level as close to the speed of light
as angelically possible.

Remember to flash that smile the way you do
so that the light hits the filaments of paper
just enough to cast a shadow down to earth.

On the anniversary of the day you ascended,
When I am looking up at heaven
Thinking of the unreachable
In wonder and worry
It'd be nice to know
that you were finally given eyes
grand enough
to gauge
your greatness.

انّا للہ و انّا الیہ راجعون

Muhsinat "Joi" Yussuff

October 24 1986~February 3 2005

Laughing Buddha.


Pants fo Dat Ass..teheheh get it?

I have working on these (dis)continuously since December break.
It was a massive 'edit' as my homie momoh would put it, homes.
I should have taken before pictures but I'll describe them instead,
they were giant big person pants straight legged falling off of me had it not been for the elastic
oh and these here pantalones been through it
it took a lot of work but I am finished.

if it hadn't got to the point of "fuck it i cant really sew but lets do this"
mixed with a lil begging for advice from moms these would never have made me so satisfied.

So now on some.. 'do whatever you want and use ya resources homie'
im proud of myself and feel motivated

Channeling my inner FELA with this pants. WHHHHEW!

(I post too many pictures of the same angle but you get the idea..& if not..I'm too lazy to break out the digitals and upload again..nooothanks)

Dress it up

(my room is a am i...mindyabitnessHOE)

Wear It Down


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Foreal this time.

How is it that one does the traditional new years blog post on the 31st of january you ask...



school is boring and cold and Dartmouth-y
and this is nothing but a 1:23 blog of boredom
reinstitution and validation

let's try to get this blog bitness togetha shall we.

oh and.
i finished my 30/3,00000
before the new year.
didn't think i caught that did you?
now the question is did YOU actually notice

so thats officially the 1st 30/30 i have ever finished
no i didnt do it in 30 days nevertheless it served the purpose.. not of necc. inspiring me to write or write everyday.. but to put my self into the universe
vulnerability is always positive.
figuring out where my limits are so i can bust through dem.

and leaving things like that unfinished feels wrong
im not good at leaving anything other than my beliefs open ended..
i have a lot more to say about all diss 30/30 nonsense-oh but im going to refrain...
i dont know why..

next time.. it'll be bombder.. i hope..
and this is boring..
ill be back..
next time
bearing gifts..


Do Over.

Today is Yesterday's hotter sister.
and tomorrow is Today's sexier cousin.


Rub me counter clockwise...

is such a negative thing to stay.. but is such a great saying of mine..
i'm so cleaver hehe.
and i'm not even mad at anyone..
hence it is uninspired.
just bored.
