Thursday, June 3, 2010

When you have no more dining hall money you...

1. Go out of town to your mom's house and make her buy you sustainable groceries.
  • apples
  • bananas
  • not strawberries (b/c they go bad on your microwave and you just wasted a lot of money like your mom warned you not to)
  • big ass bag of cheerioes (only half the supersized BJ's wholesale package)
  • Giant carton of Almond Breeze Almond Milk
2. Pray that these will hold you over for the week you have left of school
3. When you realize they won't start making dining dates off campus to start spending money you don't have.
4. Buy a giant bag of kettle corn from the fair that is taking place in the center of campus that is selling a bunch of unaffordable folky ass shit
5. Eat the giant bag of kettle corn until your stomach hurts and you are still paying for it the next day....shame

Me, Malcolm, and the Evil Bag of Kettle Corn.. in the libs... not writing 'our' finals.

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